Cost-effective because it is a procedure that approaches the root cause

In the pelvic clinic Re + make in Kawagoe city, instead of the conventional operation that makes bones, skeletal correction and pelvic correction with milking action are performed by using a special treatment instrument called Lidactor to prepare the spine and pelvis. . While raising a special bed at an angle, it is an image of manually moving the ankle to correct the pelvis and hip joints using the exercise of the skeleton and muscles.
There is no way to do it on your own, so there is no pain, so please relax and receive treatment.

  • Symptom: stiff shoulder Yuna Takahashi,


    Q. 当院に来られる前にどんなお悩みがありましたか?
    A. 肩こり。

    Q. そのお悩みを解決される為になにをされていましたか?
    A. キックボクシング、ヨガ。

    Q. その結果、どんな効果がありましたか?
    A. 体力向上。

    Q. たくさん施術院がある中で、なぜ当院に来院されたのですか?
    A. 口コミ

    Q. 他の整体院とどこが違いますか?
    A. 親身になってくれる。

    Q. 当院の問診、カウンセリング、施術はいかがでしたか?
    A. 良かった。

    Q. 同じように悩まれている方へメッセージをお願い致します。
    A. 是非、一度お越し下さい!

It is not a massage or relaxation purpose, and you may not want to give up, and if you want to invest your time and money in your own body, it is the perfect treatment clinic. I do not mean that I should get rid of pain to some extent, but I would like to treat people who are seriously suffering from back pain and headache. It may not be possible to get rid of pain and stiffness with a single treatment, but you can prevent deterioration and get a chance to return to your original body by taking courage and starting treatment. Please try it.
If you have a problem with sciatica or spinal stenosis, highly skilled staff will perform skeletal correction to fix the spine and pelvis with specialized treatment equipment called Reductor, and skeletal and pelvic correction with milking action. So it's safe. This is a special bed, while moving your ankles manually, there is no pain in the correction of the pelvis and hip joints using the linkage between the skeleton and muscles, so please receive it comfortably.